Not only Hyun Bin, The company led by Hyun Bin as CEO achieved a great victory at the APAN Star Awards.
Hyun Bin, along with the company he founded, both achieved important victories at the APAN Star Awards.
On January 23, APAN Star Awards 2020 officially took place. The special thing that makes fans excited is that Hyun Bin excellently won the 2020 Daesang Grand Prize Apan Star Awards.
Not only that, VAST Entertainment (the entertainment company founded by Hyun Bin and he is the CEO) also has another good news when Kang Geon Taek (current manager of VAST) wins the Best Manager Apan Star Awards. .
This is really a great victory for VAST, and affirms that VAST is a prestigious entertainment company, professional and good business in 2020.
Congratulations to Hyun Bin, Kang Geon Taek and VAST Entertainment!