Heartbreaking- Park So Dam has cancer, her agency revealed that she had just undergone surgery for thyroid cancer.
The famous actress of the movie “Parasite” has just undergone surgery to treat thyroid cancer.
On December 13, the management agency Artist Company posted a hasty notice about Park So Dam‘s cancer surgery. The company said,
“Actress Park So Dam has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer during her regular physical checkup and has gone through surgery per the healthcare professional’s diagnosis.
The actress is sorry that she couldn’t be with the fans who have been supporting and waiting for the premiere of ‘Special Cargo’. Park So Dam cannot participate in promotions of the film ‘Special Cargo’ but she is supporting the premiere of the film.
Thank you to all the cast and staff members of ‘Special Cargo’, as well as everyone who has been supporting actress Park So Dam and the film.
Actress Park So Dam will be focusing on recovery so that she can greet you all with her healthy self and we will do our best to help our actress fully recover.
Thank you.”