Announcing the winners from the ‘Brand of the Year 2021’ awards!
On August 19, the Korea Consumer Forum (KCF) announced the winners of the ‘Brand of the Year 2021’ awards, an award which surveys consumer preferences in commercial brand categories ranging from food to fashion, cosmetics, technology, automobiles, and much more.
Now, here are all of the winners in the ‘Celebrity/Culture/Entertainment’ categories, below!
1. Best K-Pop Group (Male, Female)
BTS, Brave Girls
2. Best Rookie Idol Group (Male, Female)
3. Best Solo Artist (Male, Female)
Kang Daniel, IU
4. Best Vocal (Male, Female)
Lee Suk Hoon, Heize
5. Best Band
6. Best Multi-Tainer (Male, Female)
Nuksal, Kim Se Jung
7. Best Variety Idol (Male, Female)
SHINee’s Key, Lovelyz’s Lee Mi Joo
8. Best Vocal Group
SG Wannabe
9. Rising Star K-Pop Idol (Male, Female)
10. Hot Trending Idol (Male, Female)
ONF, fromis_9
11. Best Hip-Hop Musician
12. Best Singer/Song-Writer
Lee Seung Yoon
13. Best Comedian (Male, Female)
Kim Hae Joon, Lee Eun Ji
14. Best Variety
Hangout With Yoo
15. Best Music Variety
Romantic Call Center
16. Best Talk Show
Yoo Quiz on the Block
17. Best Web Variety
MMTG – Civilization Express
18. Best Entertainer (Male, Female)
Moon Se Yoon, Hong Jin Kyung
19. Best Acting Idol (Male, Female)
ASTRO’s Cha Eun Woo, Cosmic Girls’ Bona
20. Hot Icons
Brave Girls
21. Best Drama
22. Best Trot Singer (Male, Female)
Lim Young Woong, Song Ga In
23. Best Actor/Actress
Song Joong Ki, Youn Yeo Jung
24. Best Rising Actor/Actress
Lee Do Hyun, Girl’s Day’s Hyeri
25. Rookie Actor/Actress
Kim Young Dae, Han Ji Hyun
26. Best CF Model (Male, Female)
Lim Young Woong, IU
27. Best Variety Personality (Male, Female)
Yoo Jae Suk, Jang Do Yeon
28. Best Celebrity YouTuber
Hong Jin Kyung
Congratulations to all!