The long wait is over for B.I’s fans as he has an official fan club name… ID!
131 Label unveiled B.I’s official fandom name. ‘ID’ or BE IDENTITY/아이디 which represents the name of the people that completes B.I’s identity. It means that B.I and ‘ID’ sharing each other’s feeling and growing together so that we together can build our new identity.
[Dear. ID]
B.I의 오피셜 팬네임을 공개합니다.
B.I의 아이덴티티 그 자체가 되는 사람들이라는 의미의 ‘ID (BE IDENTITY/아이디)’. B.I와 ‘ID’가 서로 교감하고 함께 성장하며 새로운 정체성을 만들어가자는 의미를 담고 있습니다.
B.I의 ‘ID’가 되어 B.I의 앞날을 함께해 주세요.
— official131label (@131_label_) April 15, 2021
B.I also released a new song today titled ‘Re-birth’ under the name ID (Be Identity)