Son Ye Jin and Kim Tae Hee are like twins that cause social networking storms!
Son Ye Jin and Kim Tae Hee were suddenly commented by fans that they look like twins !!
The facial resemblance between Kim Tae Hee and Son Ye Jin is of great interest to the public.
On a social networking forum Twitter recently, a network user posted the latest photos of Kim Tae Hee and compared it to the moment not long ago that Son Ye Jin shared on Instagram.
This person commented that, putting these two images side by side makes viewers feel like Kim Tae Hee and Son Ye Jin are like twins. Because, at first glance, these two Korean beauties look very similar.
Many fans said that due to the shooting angle, the faces of Son Ye Jin and Kim Tae Hee are somewhat similar. Do you think they have similarities?