Hyun Bin and extremely close relationship with Stylist of Song Hye Kyo!
In the previous article, Lovekpop95 provided the audience with an extremely interesting information that is the close friendship of Song Hye Kyo and Stylist of Hyun Bin:
“Besides the news that Song Hye Kyo has just left a commendable comment about Hyun Bin’s stylist’s post, many people are unaware that Song Hye Kyo’s relationship with this stylist is extremely close.
Stylist Belma Kang (real name: Kang Yoon Jin) is considered a Stylist who is always beside Hyun Bin, helping him shine whenever he appears.
The source also revealed that Belma Kang helped Song hye kyo to choose an outfit during a red carpet event, from which the two always maintain a friendship. ”
In this article, Lovekpop95 will provide more information about Hyun Bin and the extremely close relationship with Stylist of Song Hye Kyo.
Last year at the wedding of Stylist Belma Kang (Hyun Bin’s Stylist), everyone saw Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo’s Stylist seem close. The source revealed, “Last year, Hyun Bin attended his stylist wedding. And then, he sat next to Song Hye Kyo’s stylist (the glasses-wearing woman). This is also the time when Song Hye Kyo is trying to overcome. Through the broken marriage sadness, fans are curious as to whether the two stylists will “push the boat” back to the old people. ”
The relationship circle of people close to Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo made the doubts of the couple Song Hye Kyo and Hyun Bin once again aroused.
Before meeting Soong Joong Ki and getting married, both Song Hye Kyo and Hyun Bin had met before and had a passionate time together. It is worth saying, only after the rumors of Song Hye Kyo’s divorce about reuniting between them.